Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Now Presenting...

Ottobre 26, 2010

So I'm not completely sure how great an idea it is to write this blog EVERYDAY... even Mom and Dad have trouble keeping up... and then if you get behind it's murder trying to catch back up... (assuming you care that much about my sordid affairs).

So today we had class... like every other Tuesday. When we got there, it was just Barbara (older Dutch girl), Camilla (younger French girl), and myself. The others had gone back home for the week while their families were hanging out with the kids sense they had a vacation from school this week. My kid has vacation next week, so that means this weekend I get to have a long weekend in GERMANY!!! I'm going to visit a bunch of AWESOME Aggies studying in Bonn, including Kristina Benson, Greg Ontiveros, Leslie Snyder, Brent Bailey, and so many more... I'm super excited. I may even get to experience a little bit of German Oktoberfest and Halloween at the same time. Matt Lamkin recommended two clubs while I was there... ;) Thanks Matt.

After class I had two objectives, go buy new 'cyan' printer ink for the printer and to go to Nic's school to watch his presentation on the Liver, and the rest of his group on the body systems. When I got to the store, they'd just closed and they would reopen at 1500, no worries, I could go get it while he was at Catechism class... so I head to the school, just a bit down the road on via Panama. When I get there, I'm about 25 minutes early so I look at some of the student board displays in the stairwell (cheap labor RA bulletin boards ;)... everything from U.K., U.S., India, Indonesia, Czech Republic, modern Graffitti art used as political perspective... all done by kids from the third to sixth grades.

It came time for the kids to give their presentations, Nic's group was first, talking about the different body organs and systems... they did very well (probably the most informative out of all of the groups) he knew a lot and talked on parts of different organ systems. He more or less led the group's presentation. The other groups did a great job presenting their topics as well, the importance of balance, eating healthy, and exercising... some were less informative, but very entertaining. ;) Goofy 9 year olds...

When we got back we did a little homework as quick as we could before Nic and Lavi had to go to Catechism class... Nic decided to take an alternate route to get there... on my way back I picked up the ink for the printer. :) *OBJECTIVES: Achieved*

When they got home, we had dinner, then Nic, Lavi, Marti, and I watched TV (they're having their apartment painted downstairs and everything has plastic on it...)

Then off to dream world for the little tykes.

Tomorrow's plan is to print off plane/train tickets and do laundry for the trip...

"Don't let the sun go down on me..."

night everyone...

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